Ecología de Agro-Paisaje Aplicada
Field Day 2023

On August 9, 2023, the Hudson Valley Farm Hub hosted a half-day event at the farm showcasing the work of researchers from the Applied Farmscape Ecology Research Collaborative (AFERC).

This event was targeted at farmers, conservation professionals, land managers, and others interested in on-farm ecology to learn about the different research projects that occur at the Farm Hub and discussing their potential applications for farms and land in the region.

AFERC, a partnership between the Applied Farmscape Ecology Program at the Farm Hub and the Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program, works together across disciplines with the goal of better understanding the complex interactions between on-farm habitats, biodiversity, and crop production in the region.

Below are resources and handouts in both English and Spanish from the Event.

Mire aquí to learn more about the Applied Farmscape Ecology Research Collaborative.