Research: Wood Turtles and Working Farms
Hudsonia and Jason Tesauro Consulting
Hudsonia conducts research in the environmental sciences and produces educational products for environmental professionals, land managers, and others.
Since 2019, we’ve radio-tracked adult and juvenile Wood Turtles at Farm Hub and other farms in the Hudson Valley to learn about the species’ use and preference of cultivated and non-cultivated lands and to document instances where the turtles come in contact with farm machinery and other farm-related hazards. Our research has demonstrated that Wood Turtles spend most of their time in wild vegetation and waters, but venture into farm fields enough—particularly during nesting season (May-June)—to expose themselves to hazards. We are currently working with the Farm Hub to create a Wood Turtle Management Plan that identifies important areas on the Farm that would benefit from modifying agricultural practices, e.g., switching from annual to perennial crops, enhancing habitat in non-cultivated areas to deter turtles from seeking habitat resources in farm fields, and curtailing mowing during critical periods. In 2024, we will be conducting experimental habitat management at Farm Hub and reaching out to other farms in the region to provide guidance on best management practices for Wood Turtles.
About Erik Kiviat PhD :
Erik Kiviat PhD (Executive Director, Hudsonia) has 50 years of experience studying the wildlife and plants of the Hudson Valley and neighboring regions, and has had a particular interest in turtles since childhood. Erik has graduate degrees from SUNY New Paltz and the Union Institute.
About Jason Tesauro :
Jason Tesauro MS (Principal, Jason Tesauro Consulting) has conducted field research and management work on turtles of conservation concern for many years in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other states. He has a graduate degree from Rutgers University.
View the presentation from July 2023.