Applied Farmscape Ecology Research Collaborative

Applied Farmscape Ecology
Research Collaborative

The partnerships have been driven by considering research gaps and "what the needs of the farming community are"

In 2019, the Applied Farmscape Ecology program at the Farm Hub and the Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program partnered to launch the Applied Farmscape Ecology Research Collaborative (AFERC) as a means to further research in agriculture and ecology with the goal of sharing information, tools and resources with farmers in the region.

The research projects do not simply operate independently from one another. Instead, the goal is to take a population ecology approach to investigating agroecological topics related to biodiversity conservation and crop production. The collaborative works together across disciplines with the goal of better understanding the complex interactions between water, soil, biodiversity and crop production in the region.

The group includes researchers in the region whose work addresses the questions:
How can on-farm habitat conservation or creation help support regional biodiversity?
And, how can such conservation or creation contribute to farm production?

The Applied Farmscape Ecology Research Collaborative includes researchers from the following organizations:

Bard College, Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program, Hudsonia, SUNY Cobleskill, SUNY New Paltz, the University of New England, and Columbia University. Will Yandik, a farmer and independent researcher, is also part of the Collaborative (see full list below).

See below to learn more about the collaborative’s research projects, researchers and resources:

Aaron M. Ellison and Manisha V. Patel, Sound Solutions for Sustainable Science
Data management and statistical analyses
Anne Bloomfield, Hudson Valley Farm Hub
Birds and year-round habitat use
Carmen Greenwood, SUNY Cobleskill
Soil macroinvertebrate biodiversity
Conrad Vispo, Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program
Bugs/crops/habitat interactions
Claudia Knab-Vispo, Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program
Meadow establishment and floral resources
Erik Kiviat and Jason Tesauro, Hudsonia
Turtles and farming
Gabriel Perron, Bard College
Soil microbiology in relation to agriculture
Noah Perlut, University of New England
Shafiul Chowdhury, SUNY New Paltz
Water quality and AG land use
Will Yandik, a farmer and independent researcher
Cover crop as habitat for winter birds

Past Conferences/Events:

Farmscape Ecology Field Day 2023, August 19th, 2023 at Hudson Valley Farm Hub
Perspectives on Farming With Nature, November 16, 2019 at The Ashokan Center

Applied Farmscape Ecology Research Collaborative Contacts

Anne Bloomfield, Applied Farmscape Ecology Program Manager
[email protected]

Conrad Vispo, Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology program,
Wildlife Ecologist [email protected]