Research: Soil Microbiology in relation to agriculture
Bard College
Bard College is a private liberal arts college in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, that seeks to inspire curiosity, a love of learning, idealism, and a commitment to the link between higher education and civic participation.
When Anne began at the Farm Hub, there were no comprehnisve, consistent or accessible historic records of bird species found in much of the Hurley Flats. Moreover, year-round habitat use data for birds using agricultural habitats in The Northeast was insufficient. In 2015, Anne began collecting year-round habitat use data of birds at the Farm Hub as well as creating an up-to-date inventory of bird species found on the farm. In addition to creating a historic record of bird species, Anne’s work has helped inform habitat management activities on the farm, presence of species of concern as well as birds’ use of novel crops such as the semi-perennial grain, kernza. Anne’s work helps inform other projects in the collaborative that require local knowledge of birds’ natural history and habitat use. Anne enjoys teaching about birds as well as helping landowners problem solve how encouraging birds can be compatible with their land use and stewardship goals.
About Gabriel Perron:
Gabriel Perron is an evolutionary biologist who studies how bacteria acquire resistance against antimicrobials that are used to treat infections. More specifically, his research uses a combination of genomic and metagenomic approaches to detect the presence of genes and DNA in the environment as a way to understand how human activities and farming practices might contribute to the evolution of emergent diseases in soil and water environments.
Read more about Gabriel Perron here.